金融量化紅白大對抗 P-Quant v.s. Q-Quant

P-Quant & Q-Quant 金融量化中的“紅軍”和“白軍” 很多人不知道有這對名詞,但我相信大家都會有一個疑惑,對衍生品定價算不算量化? 那麼對沖基金裡面用模型找到的交易策略算不算量化?如果都是量化的範疇,那麼這兩個方面看起來差別特別大。我...

2017年5月22日 星期一

Russian Orthodox cleric was inspired by Temple in Taiwan to spritz computer with blessing ceremony to fight ransomware

In 2016, Temple in Taiwan provide a Laptop blessing by the Goddness Má-tso(媽祖) .

To protect the believer from threat of ransomware and Virus.

In 2017 May , Wannacry ransaomeware was a worldwide cyberattack  

which targeted computers running the Microsoft Windows operating system by 

encrypting data and demanding ransom payments in the Bitcoin cryptocurrency.

Russia Enterprise and religion represent was inspired by Taiwan's experience to

protect believers from the threat by  spritzing  computer with blessing ceremony to

fight ransomware in Russia Way.

